Teacher candidates can create physically and emotionally safe classroom environments that encourage active learning, self-motivation, and cooperative interaction among students.
Artifact #1 - Classroom Model
Along with my dyad partner, I created a model of a classroom in the Fall of 2009 semester. While making this model, I considered the classroom environment a great deal. I've learned that classrooms need to be safe, comfortable places, as well as child-friendly and academically stimulating. From the color of the walls to the arrangement of the desks, all things in this classroom were well thought out to best represent a wonderful classroom environment. I have included a picture of our finished model classroom, as well as a rationale explaining why we created this classroom the way we did.
Artifact #2- Student Welcome Letter
In the Spring of 2009 I wrote this student welcome letter to be sent to my students the summer before they come into my classroom. This artifact shows that I recognize the importance of the classroom environment and that my own personal relationship with each student contributes to that environment. This artifact shows that I intend to make my classroom a safe, welcoming place for my students.